There’s a college campus here in town and my roomie (who just got a second degree from there) keeps telling me how it’s open and free to the public - I really need to take advantage of that! It’s got big windows and desks and nice chairs. What am I waiting for?!?? Haha

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Oh that’s true! University libraries are usually open to the public/free access, thanks for bringing that up ⭐️ love that for us!

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May 29Liked by Florencia Ornelas

reading this while sitting at one of the coffee shops from your friends third places n.n

loved this sm <3 ps. maracuyá lovers unite!!! :*

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Gashas por darte el tiempo de leerme bebelin!! <3

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May 29Liked by Florencia Ornelas

Love this!! In NYC we also have 1/month access to a selection of museums, gardens, etc that typical have an admission price but are free when booked ahead with our library cards!

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So cool! We don't have as many museums here in Vancouver unfortunately. Hope to make a trip to NYC soon <3 Thanks so much for reading Maria!

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May 28Liked by Florencia Ornelas

I loved this so much. Thanks for sharing the free resources! We (the kids and I) love our local library and go every week. Our other third places are parks and local coffee shops.

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So cool that you are teaching your bbs to love and appreciate libraries. Thank you so much for reading <3

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It is such a nice post about this that seems so insignificant in the capitalist world but vital for anyone. "A space where you can just be without having to do something specific or buy something." It is something that I pleasantly appreciate and as an architecture student I seek to design and propose "these spaces" within the projects that we continually do. The other day it happened to me that I went to have a coffee with my sister, because there was a promotion so it was full of people and there were no tables, we had to go with the coffee in hand to walk around, we couldn't enter any of them. place because we were with a glass and there was nowhere to sit. I'll add you if you're interested, to think about the non-places, which in the United States are full. They are those places where our stay is temporary, therefore we do not consider them as our own and we feel alien to them.

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Love that as an architecture student you are keeping in mind creating spaces that are designed to foster community and people's wellbeing!

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Thank you so much for reading Fran <3

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May 27Liked by Florencia Ornelas

Hey I would like to try the library in my town, we have a lot of resources! I loved your post, thank you.

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Thanks for reading ❤️

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May 26Liked by Florencia Ornelas

I went to the library on the weekend and was wondering why I had left it so long between visits. Beautiful piece.

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Thank you Natasha, so happy you liked it!

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May 26Liked by Florencia Ornelas

I’ve not spent much time in my library in years; time I got back to it! Thanks for a great read!

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Thanks for reading Tim!

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May 26Liked by Florencia Ornelas

I've been excited about this post ever since you first mentioned it! I love seeing all the beautiful places that you and others enjoy. 💓

What a great reminder, too—public libraries give us access to so much information (for *free*)! My small town lacks third places, but it does have a public library. Your post is motivating me to spend more time there!

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Thanks for reading Zoe ❤️ and for sending your pic over!!

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Me dieron muchas ganas de leer el libro🥰

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Please do! Es de mis favoritos!

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